This unique series of informal discussion events, led by Music@Menlo’s artists and distinguished guests, offers audiences a chance to absorb new insights into a variety of topics. Since their inception at Music@Menlo’s 2004 festival, Café Conversations have delved into a fascinating array of music- and arts-related issues and provided opportunities for audiences to expand their interaction with festival artists beyond the concert stage.
Café Conversations are part of the “Mornings@Menlo” series, which takes place on festival weekdays at 11:00 a.m. on the Menlo School campus. The series also includes Master Classes with Chamber Music Institute coaches and students. All Mornings@Menlo events are free and open to the public – Seating is by general admission, reservations are not required.
Monday, July 22, The Role of the Music Critic with Juliette de Marcellus
Monday, July 29, MUSICAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP with Dmitri Atapine and Hyeyeon Park, Co-Directors of the Chamber Music Institute’s Young Performers Program
Please note: programs are subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates and add your name to our mailing list to receive the latest news.