Now viewing 2008: The Unfolding of Music II
Having traversed an expansive musical landscape through its first five years, Music@Menlo retuned in 2008 to a chronological exploration of the chamber music repertoire, expanding on the scope of the festival’s inaugural season. The Unfolding of Music II reached further back into the early Baroque period, presenting Bach in a deeper context. This journey also framed the Classical era between Haydn, the period’s founding father, and Schubert, who represented the dawn of a new era. The festival continued with in-depth explorations of the Romantic period and the kaleidoscope of sounds that colored music in the first half of the twentieth century. The season culminated with a sampling of today’s most original compositional voices, featuring the world premiere of Music@Menlo’s first commissioned work.
Click here to read the 2008 festival brochure.